Self drive Mozambique | National Parks Expedition | 8 Days | 8-15 August

We know how much you enjoy driving your own car in an off-road expedition, and that’s why we are bringing you, with our Self Drive Mozambique solution, the opportunity to make it happen, through untouched areas and in safety but still in adventurous way with a likeminded group of people.

We will cross Kruger National Park all the way to the North and re-enter Mozambique in Pafuri, right in the northern point of the Park. We will discover the eastern side of Limpopo National Park with its dry and virgin savannah, we will continue up to Zinave National Park, home of the hidden treasures of Mozambique which has been recovered. Zinave National Park it is bathed by Save River and its landscapes are mind blowing. On the way to Zinave we will experience a different Mozambique then the one we usually know around EN1.

From Zinave, we head to the coast, Vilankulos, and we will visit Bazaruto Islands. On the way down we make a pit stop in Quissico, and stay at Zavala, another almost untouched place with its lagoons and its palm trees.

There are 2 ways for joining this Self Drive Mozambique Scheduled Trip:

  1. Bring your own car and join the Convoy
  2. Join in our Safari Car individually (Comfortable Safari Game Viewer)

Our staff includes a mechanic, cook and helpers. All the camping gear is included as detailed below. Join the Joyride 😊.

Departure & Return Location

Mussiro’s Office

Departure Time

4h30 AM

Price Includes

  • Mussiro's team, including a mechanic
  • All camping gear, but sleeping bag
  • Entrance fees to the parks
  • Car fees
  • Accommodation fees
  • 7 breakfasts
  • 4 lunches
  • 7 dinners
  • Water, tea and coffee
  • Cooler boxes
  • Ice

Price Excludes

  • Meals not mentioned above
  • Visa for South Africa
  • Own 4x4 car. Must be ready for off-road areas, dirt roads and surprises and adventures in the middle
  • Own fuel
  • Personal drinks
  • Islands in Vilankulos


  • Sunscreen
  • Sleeping bag
  • Repellent
  • Camera
  • Hat/cap and comfortable shoes
  • Warm jacket (mornings can be cold)
  • Binoculars
  • Extra food and drinks

Self drive Mozambique | National Parks Expedition | Itinerary

Day 1| Maputo - Kruger (334 km)

Meeting at Mussiro’s Office in Maputo for departure at 4:30 a.m. Cars and logistics will be ready before.

On day one we will drive to Kruger National Park, one of the most ancient reserves in Africa and home for the BIG 5. We will cross the park from South to North, but on Day one we will stop at Satara after crossing the Sabie river.

You will appreciate how ecosystems change inside Kruger Park. We will have dinner at the camp site and have some rest.

Day 2| Kruger (180 km)

Our safari is starting with the opening of the gates to increase our chances to spot nice fauna. We will have a brunch at a picnic area and jump back into the cars to continue exploring the park and its inhabitants. If south is famous for its families of elephants, rhinos and buffalos, the center is the nest for of the felines, and so does the north. Brunch, dinner and camping.

Day 3| Kruger - Zinave (450 km)

Long day but always accompanied by wildlife. Kruger in the morning, Limpopo in the afternoon and Zinave in the evening. Three parks, lovely emotions and good vibes. Full board and camping.

Day 4| Zinave

Zinave National Park has been recovering for the last 5 years with the precious intervention of the ANAC and Peace Parks Foundation. It still not totally open for guests, but we have been taking people there since 2019 and we can say it’s WORTH IT. You will feel as close as it gets to a true dream story of recovering a unique Ecosystem.

We will spend the day exploring this unique park and its secrets and having insightful conversations with the people that are making this happening. In the evening, many stories will pop-up at the sound of hippos resting at Save River.

Full board and camping.

Day 5| Zinave - Vilankulos (244 km)

Breakfast is ready at sunrise. We will continue our way to Vilankulos, known as the entrance to the Archipelago of Bazaruto. We shall arrive at lunch time in order to have time to enjoy these pristine blue waters. Breakfast, dinner and camping.

Day 6| Vilankulos - Quissico (370 Km)

Free day to enjoy this pearl of the Indian Ocean. We will help you in advance to organize a trip to Bazaruto and Benguerra Islands or to Santa Carolina Island –our favorite one–; you will never forget both paradises. Breakfast, dinner and camping.

Day 7| Vilankulos - Quissico (370 Km)

Find your breakfast ready to say bye-bye to this magical spot, but magic continues in Quissico’s lagoons, where we will arrive after enjoying the huge baobabs protecting the roads and leaving behind the Tropic of Capricorn to jump into green forests of palm trees. We are willing to arrive for lunch time so you will have time to enjoy this stunning place while we cook for you. Full board camping.

Day 8| Quissico - Maputo (345 km)

Breakfast at the lagoon and we will leave the province of Inhambane behind, cross-province of Gaza (stopping at Macia for fruit and cashew markets) and at Bilene/Manhiça for some lunch and the last bath of the Self Drive Mozambique Expedition.

Self Drive Mozambique National Parks | 8 Days Expedition Map

Own-Car Expedition in National Parks | 8 Days | Photos
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